
Shawn Shifflett
This page last modified on Mon Oct 28 14:26:04 2019 UTC

My personal dot files for my OpenBSD / GnuLinux instances. Right now all of these are specific to OpenBSD 6.6 or NetBSD 8.0_STABLE.


This file's content is too large to usefully display on this page.

Download .Xresources.


  # C=Control M=Alt S=Shift 4=Windows
  # 1=left 2=middle 3=right 4=up 5=down
  # Let's unbind things that we don't need
  # Unbind CTL-AL-DEL if this is a VM on a Windows host
  # unbind-key CM-Delete
  # We need to identify window colors
  borderwidth 2
  color activeborder blue
  color inactiveborder darkblue
  gap 0 0 0 180
  # Make some useful program chords
  # If there is already a binding, unbind it first
  bind-key C-s menu-ssh
  unbind-key CM-Return
  bind-key CM-Return 'xterm +vb +sb -ls -fn 9x15 -bg black -fg gray -geometry 80x30'
  # Add interesting applications to the app menu
  command "chromium browser"      chrome

Download .cwmrc.


  Editor: /usr/bin/vim

Download .mhruprofile.


  # $OpenBSD: dot.profile
  # sh/ksh initialization
  # Choose the default editor
  # Set the default terminal mode
  # Set useful command aliases
  alias ls="ls -lg"
  alias lynx="lynx -accept_all_cookies -editor=vim -nolog"
  # Make our environmental variables active
  export EDITOR TERM
  # Set a pleasant prompt
  PS1="\e[0;32[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m "

Download .profile.


  # Request that Ratpoison stop staying hello to me
  startup_message off
  # Change the escape key to something sane
  escape s-space
  # Create sane window borders
  set border 5
  # Change window titles to resource classes instead of titles
  # Unbind things that are not useful
  unbind C-g
  unbind C-Return
  unbind Return
  unbind C-V
  unbind C-underscore
  unbind C-u
  unbind U
  unbind space
  unbind C-space
  unbind C-b
  unbind r
  unbind C-r
  unbind f
  unbind C-f
  unbind m
  unbind C-m
  unbind C-v
  unbind C-w
  unbind C-x
  unbind i
  unbind C-i
  unbind k
  unbind C-k
  unbind C-K
  unbind C-A
  unbind C-n
  unbind C-p
  unbind C-apostrophe
  # Create some useful keybinds
  # If keys are already bound to a function then unbind them first
  # Designation of vertical splits are confusing
  unbind S
  unbind C-S
  bind V hsplit
  # Designation of horizontal splits are confusing
  unbind s
  unbind C-s
  bind H vsplit
  # Abort key needs to be defined as something sane
  bind Escape abort
  # Switch to an alternate Window Manager
  bind C-t tmpwm /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm
  # Time display mapped to 'a' makes my head hurt
  unbind C-a
  unbind a
  bind t time
  # Ensure that tmux is executed when a shell begins, and allow for a shell without tmux
  unbind c
  unbind C-c
  bind c exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e tmux
  bind C-c exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
  # Change the "only" key to O instead of Q
  unbind Q
  bind O only

Download .ratpoisonrc.


  syntax on
  set nocompatible
  set backspace=indent,eol,start
  set backspace=2
  highlight Normal ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black

Download .vimrc.


This file's content is too large to usefully display on this page.

Download .tmux.conf


  xset +fp /usr/local/share/fonts/noto
  xsetroot -solid grey
  exec /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm

Download .xinitrc


Download xorg.conf